NABL Suspends Accreditation Of CRL Lab For Negligence In Test Reports

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on
The National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) has passed adverse order against M/s CRL Labs Pvt. Ltd. in the complaint no. 403/2020, thereby revoking their accreditation with immediate effect as they had dealt with great negligence in reporting the test results.
The matter came to light when the Advocates Sahil Kakkar, Mohit Tiwari, Jyoti Kukreja & Prasoon Kumar looked into the gravity of the matter and pursued the matter thereby sending the legal notice to concerned Lab and to NABL for necessary action. In the reply to Legal Notice, the M/s CRL Labs admitted the faulty reporting and cited other reasons which were nothing but lame excuses.
The Legal Notice was sent on the behalf client, who is a chronic kidney patient. The Notice alleged that the Lab was indulged in issuing faulty COVID report and even the report of test named Interleukin-6 (IL-6) which was supposed to be range from 0.00-6.40 pg/ml however was shown as 5,098.40.
On the basis of the Legal Notice sent by the Advocates, NABL issued show-cause notice for seeking explanation of the incident to M/s CRL Labs Pvt. Ltd. in the matter. Pursuant to that, the NABL thus in its order dated 06.04.2021 had said that; “Matter has been investigated as per NABL procedures for dealing with complaints. The Lab was asked to provide an explanation. Based on the reply submitted by laboratory, accreditation status of laboratory is placed under suspension category with immediate effect and complaint registered is treated as closed.”
Further, in the discussion of our team with Advocate Prasoon Kumar, he has come out against such malpractices being adopted by the laboratories and said that the Lab had failed to satisfy the authority officials to ensure excellent quality and technical competence of testing and calibration laboratories, which enables the government and the industry to streamline and maintain the standardized quality environment.
That henceforth the name of M/s CRL Labs has been placed under suspension category vide order dated 06.04.2021 as per condition no. 5 Clause 4.4 of NABL 216, thereby seeking suspension their NABL Cert No. MC-2443.